FPP media makers strive to be leaders in digital literacies as it applies to our staff, our customers and our business sector:
- Our staff training is conducted via our own eLearning platform eportalafrica.com.
- Our customers can shop for specials and new releases online at zaleka.com online shop
- Our FPP digital leadership consultancy transfers digital leadership, eLearning development, social media managment and communication policy skills to private and public sector entities.
- Digital Literacies comprise the set of competencies required for full participation in a knowledge society. It includes knowledge, skills, and behaviours involving the effective use of digital devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop PCs for purposes of communication, expression, collaboration and advocacy.
While digital literacy initially focused on digital skills and stand-alone computers, the focus has shifted from stand-alone to network devices including the Internet and social media.
Digital literacy is not simply using a smartphone or typing on a computer. It is an essential 21st Century mindset.
Are schools, universities, businesses and organisations of all sizes using technology to its fullest extent? Are they restructuring to take account of the digital way of doing things? Are their curricula, products and services web-enabled in the most efficient way….?
FPP = #1 in Moving Stories, Documentary and Instructional Video Production, Digital Literacies, & eLearning for Namibia