The term “future-proof” refers to the capacity to continue to be of value into the distant future – producing meaningful value that does not become obsolete. For communities our concept of future-proofing is the process of anticipating the future and developing projects and proposals as well as compelling visual narratives to minimise the effects of shocks and stresses of future events without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
For business we create programs that empower brands to reach their full potential through meaningful visual strategies.
The Future Proof Consulting Team is guided by the following principles:
- sustainable use and management of environmental and natural resources;
- the precautionary principle;
- prevention, avoidance and mitigation of pollution;
- the polluter pays principle;
- protection of biodiversity in Namibia’s environment and conservation of the ecosystem.
Future Proof Namibia will:
- take all possible steps to prevent, abate and minimize pollution and take the necessary measures to protect ecosystems against any adverse impacts;
- apply management measures based on the best scientific evidence available;
- establish mechanisms for inter-sectoral data collection, sharing and exchange;
- where possible, reverse and prevent habitat alteration and destruction;
- protect vulnerable species and biological diversity;
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